Star Wars Soundtrack

Just a lucky op shop find many years ago as I loved Star Wars (still not even sure why I was browsing vinyl as I didn’t own a record player), even contained the original poster!

Telling your boy the truth

Like a lot of my generation, my collection started with raiding my parent’s records. Among them was this gem, I reckon it was my dad’s first too. It made for a lot of laughs with mates back in the day

Cream – Disraeli Gears

Cream Disraeli Gears, the oldest record I own,
Ryan’s Collection is where it finally found it’s home,
Everyday I would search the racks for this amazing record,
At long last I could listen to Eric (Clapton) play that amazing chord (E7),
My local record store, is who I have to thank – even though they make me break my bank.

Walt Disney Presents the Story and Songs og The Jungle Book

My father had this in his collection and I used to listen to it and read along with the story as a very young kid, it has all the classics on it to sing along with and the inside gatefold is the story/ picture book. I was lucky enough that my Dad keeps his record collection in pretty good condition and I have been able to add it to my collection so I can play it for my children.


Was one of my uncle’s first records he gave to me when I got my first record deck

Bat out of Hell

My father gave it to me, on my 18th birthday. He kept it original from the year of my birth 1977. Still sounds awesome.

The Specials – The Specials

Living in England 1979/80 I was only about 12. The first time I heard Gangsters by The Specials just blew me away and it was nothing else I’d heard on the radio. When their first album came out I had to get it. We didn’t get pocket money but did get dinner money about 50p. A friend bought me the record so I would pay him back using my dinner money and miss out on eating. It was well worth it though!

Golden Hour of Max Bygraves – Something Old Something New

I’ve been obsessed with records and record players my whole life.
When I was a toddler my parent’s had a record player housed in a mid-century modern teak coffee table. I had a habit of staring in wonder at how a black circle of plastic could make such sounds.
Seeing me in such a state, my Nana asked me if I’d like some records of my own to play… “Of course!” was my reply. I left the choice up to her.
My Nan came back with “Golden Hour of Max Bygraves – Something Old Something New” – my first ever album of my very own!!
I had no idea who Max Bygraves was, and didn’t really care – I loved the album to bits and it was cram packed with an amazing 24 tracks (12 a side!)
Even though my tastes have moved on considerably since those days I still like to listen to it and have fond memories listening to such classics as “When I’m Sixty Four” and “Little Green Apples” with my Nan smiling on.
I treasure it to this day!

1978 ABC playschool record

A friend of mine found this in an op shop he worked at – it was headed for the bin! He saved it for me knowing my love for all things old, and because I have two little kids now. The most amazing part is, there are so many songs on it from my childhood, that my 2 love now (even though they aren’t popular anymore). I can’t describe the excitement when we first gave the record a spin. It is now a treasure of mine that will go to my grandkids one day.