Vale Ros O’Gorman

With a very heavy heart, we learned that Ros O’Gorman died last night – 29 May 2018.  What a loss.

Why are we posting this tribute here? Because Ros has been a staunch supporter of Record Store Day over the years and this year she was invited to be an ambassador. We announced her involvement, had plans in place, but she had to pull out because she got ill. We expected her back and to be full steam ahead by next year, so we started to plan for that instead.

Anyone who was at the launch in Sydney will have seen her taking pics, chatting and laughing. Her pics were fantastic. As always.

As Paul Cashmere, her husband and business partner, says

Tonight we lost Ros O’Gorman, a beautiful lady, a perfect wife, mother and grandmother.

My wife of 37 years has left the stage. For her, life was first three songs, no flash and then leave. She would like you all to know that this time she hasn’t stayed for the whole show.

Everyone at AMRA, everyone involved with Record Store Day, sends their sympathies to Paul and the family. It’s usual at a time like this so say how much the person will be missed. But for Ros this is no cliche. She will be hugely missed.

Full tribute from Paul is here at Noise 11.