The Doors – Alive She Cried

Well not the oldest record I own but definitely one of the oldest that I can still put on and listen to fully each time.
I was a HUGE Doors fan at age 15 and would hunt anything I could find down at record stores, op shops, fairs etc… I went into Batman Records in Melbourne one day on the weekend and found a copy of this album. I had never seen or heard of it before (and I thought I knew it all at that age). I spoke with this old guy at the counter, John and he put it on for me…. As soon as I heard Morrison singing Van Morrison’s “Gloria” I was hooked!!!
I ended up spending the afternoon with old John, talking records and listening to some great albums and ended up getting a job at Batman Records a few years later working with old John.
To this day, Alive She Cried is still one of my favorite Doors records to play with such a raw feel and great selection of tracks, its like you are there in L.A in 1968!